SMA Negeri Bali Mandara
Bersatu Padu Melangkah Menghadapi Tantangan
SMA Negeri Bali Mandara
Mendidik Tunas Bangsa
Berdasar Pancasila dan Undang-Undang Dasar 45
Membina Putra Putri
Taat Jujur Berbudi
Berjiwa Sosial Cerdas Mandiri
Siapkan Generasi
Pemimpin Masa Depan
Bertanggung Jawab Dapat Dipercaya
Wujudkan Pendidikan
Demokratis Berkualitas
Berdaya Saing Berwawasan Global
Raihlah Cita-Cita
Masa Depan Cemerlang
di SMA Negeri Bali Mandara
Theme Song
I can dream the impossible
I fear not the obstacles
For if I believe in me
I can make it possible
I’ll shine my light for all to see
For a gem can’t be polished without frictions
Nor men perfected without trials
We all take different paths in life
But no matter where I go
I will feel safe knowing that
We’re all together in this journey
For we are one big family
There’ll always be time for sharing
And caring for each other
Even when we are far apart
Like an eagle we spread our wing
Soaring high in the sky of dream
Always strive to be the very best
and help other to soar as high
We remember the start
We will go through the journey
We will reach the goals
Let’s lend our hands to our brother and sisters
Let’s make a brighter tomorrow for others
Make their impossible dreams possible
For when we believe, when we are together
We can make the difference
Chorus 2x